Monday, June 22, 2020

Commissioning - at a social distance

22 youth & adults
Doing His word
One family at a time

being commissioned
the old meets the new

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Reboot, retool, refocus, carrying on

2020 - what a year so far. The Youth Service Project (YSP) for Mentor UMC was planned to support God's Country Cooperative Parish in Newberry, MI (way up in the upper peninsula),

 and then the global pandemic hit  and everything seemed to come to a screeching halt and locked down for (what seemed for) month!

     Prayer, perseverance, more prayer, discussion, planning, more prayer and the Youth Service Project has rebooted - it's amazing that God always seems to put us in the exact right place, at the exact right time to do His word - and (in a reduced format & socially distant groupings) the YSP crew will be helping a family in Thompson, OH rebuild a post-Civil War era home that was partially destroyed by fire to rebuild their lives and allow them to continue to give back to their community.

Follow the MUMC YSP crew (from a safe social distance), give us your thoughts & prayers as the youth & adults continue to help one family at a time - as they are - where they are......